Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"Tears That Fall"

What is life without love,hurt,and mistakes?
Life is nothing without these things...
What would we learn?
Where would life take us?

Love teaches us to trust.
Love teaches us to be faithful.
Love is pure, hard to get and hard to hold.
Love is all these things...
"Tears that fall," whether from hurt or happiness.

Hurt teaches us to be strong.
Hurt teaches us its okay to cry.
Hurt teaches us to let go of things long ago.
Hurt is a weeping heart, an emptiness that cannot be described.
Hurt is anger,frustration,and all of these things...
"Tears that fall," a heart shattered by hurt from love.

Mistakes teach us most of all...
Mistakes teach us what we had, and what we lost.
Mistakes teach us forgiveness.
Mistakes teach us about ourselves and others.
Mistakes teach us to understand...
Mistakes are hard to live with and hard to forgive...
"Tears that fall," from the mistakes that have been made.

We learn through each other's mistakes.
We learn by making the same mistakes.
We learn to understand each other and the hurt that has been made.
With this I say, "I am sorry for the hurt I have caused you."
Past is the past, and now it is you hurting...
"Tears that fall," from hurting you...

"Tears that fall....." I hope you can forgive me someday.
"Tears that fall," and love always and forever.

Written by: Rebecca Schlamp